Marcadis Singer, PA Lawsuits in Florida

Marcadis Singer, PA is a law firm that files collection lawsuits against Florida consumers.

Has Marcadis Singer, PA Sued You?

If you have received a summons informing you this legal firm is suing you, you should take steps to defend yourself. You have only 20 days to answer the summons. Unfortunately, in Florida most people will simply ignore the summons which will then result in a default judgment.  Many don't realize that this is exactly what the collection firm is hoping they will do. This will allow the collector to return to court in 20 days, and when you don't show up to defend yourself, they will be issued a default judgment against you.

In Florida, a default judgment allows Marcadis Singer, to garnish your wages through your employer, have a lien put against any property you own, freeze your bank accounts and remove money in the accounts to pay your debt.

Defending a Lawsuit from Marcadis Singer, PA

If you have received a lawsuit from Marcadis Singer in Florida you need to file a written answer with the court and respond to any discovery that is in the petition.  Contact Weston Legal if you have been served with a lawsuit or know that one is pending.

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