Fulton, Friedman & Gullace Florida Lawsuits

The law firm of Fulton, Friedman & Gullace is an aggressive collector of credit card debt in Florida and other parts of the country.

Credit card companies will sell your defaulted credit card debt, in order to remove it from their books. It's sold for pennies on the dollar, which allows third party debt collectors to make profits, if they can collect the debt or some portion of it.  Fulton Friedman & Gullace will represent the creditors in court and sue consumers.

Why Fulton, Friedman & Gullace Hope You Don't Responds to a Summons

If a consumer does not respond to a summons they have received, this law firm will return to the court and ask that they be granted a default judgment against the consumer named on the summons. This will give them the right to:

  • Put liens against on property.
  • Use a wage garnishment to take money from paychecks.
  • Find bank accounts and take money from them to pay the balance.


Respond to the Lawsuit

If you have received a lawsuit from Fulton, Friedman & Gullace in Florida it is important to respond to it immediate.  Contact Weston Legal if you have received a collection lawsuit or you know one is pending.

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